My Snow Leopard Year - 2022 Goals

However, I want a different approach this year. 2022 will be eventful for me for various reasons: graduating and finding a place for myself, for one. I want to spend this year refining what I know and making even better products than before.

My Snow Leopard Year - 2022 Goals
Photo by Uriel Soberanes / Unsplash

I have been mulling over what my goals for this year are, besides some obvious personal ones, since I wrote my reflection on 2021. I had been staring at a bare checklist in my Apple Notes, unable to come up with anything new and exciting. Sure, I’d love to finish Indexing Your Heart by the year’s end. And maybe I’m interested in making a new version of Bug Bounty for iOS using SpriteKit. Heck, perhaps throw Flutter in there, too. But, besides those, I have no new development goals. And I think that’s okay.

For the past couple of years, I’ve wanted to try out newer technologies and expand my horizons in the developer space. Unfortunately, I disappoint myself and never actually commit to some of them; either I get too busy in the year to think about it, or I’m not motivated to do it at all. I never got to try JetBrains Compose Desktop because I simply didn’t have the energy to learn it, and I forgot about my goals with trying server-less technology.

However, I want a different approach this year. 2022 is going to be eventful for me for various reasons: graduating and finding a place for myself, for one. I don’t want to be worrying on trying new things in the tech space and push myself too hard. Rather, I want to spend this year refining what I know and making even better products than before. I want to take time to master SwiftUI, SpriteKit, Godot, C#, etc., to make more performant, solid products. I want to have fun with the work I’m doing and make it the best I can be.

That doesn’t mean I won’t learn anything new. I still need to learn Flutter in order to help some people with a new app, and Apple’s likely going to make a new SwiftUI version with improved features and changes. But, I’m more happy with 2022 being a “Snow Leopard” year for me.

Cover credit: Uriel Soberanes (@soberanes), Unsplash